history of java programming

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Java is a computer software technology in the world. In addition to a programming language, Java is also a platform.

Java is a technology in which these technologies include Java as a programming language that has its own syntax and programming rules, also includes Java as a platform that is where this technology has a virtual machine and libraries needed to write and run programs written in Java programming language

The origins of Java

Java was created by a team led by Patrick Naughton and James Gosling in a project of Sun Microsystems who has a Green code in order to produce a simple computer language that can run on simple equipment by not tied to a specific architecture.

James Gosling initially called programming language produced by OAK OAK itself but because it is the name of a computer programming language that already exists then later turn it into Java Sun.

Finally after going through several transformations and processes, ultimately launching a browser from Sun called Hot Java capable of running Java applets. After that Java technology adopted by Netscape that enables Java programs run on Netscape browsers since January 1996 which was followed by Internet Explorer. Because of the uniqueness and advantages, Java technology began to attract many leading vendors such as IBM, Symantec, Inprise, etc..

Sun finally released the initial version of Java is officially in early 1996 which then continues to grow until the JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.2 produces a lot of improvements that began this version of Java called Java2. The main change is the existence of which is a technology Swing GUI (Graphical User Interface) which is capable of producing an application window that is completely portable.

And in subsequent years (1998-1999) was born the J2EE technology (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) based J2SE beginning with servlets and JSP EJB then followed. Advantages of Java and a distributed network environment and the resulting Java multithreading capability to be rapidly gaining popularity in the server side.

Java technology gave birth last J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) that has been adopted by Nokia, Siemens, SonyEricsson, Motorola, Samsung to produce good games and mobile applications software business and various other types of software that can run on mobile devices like cell phones.


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