Change the localhost address into a domain name

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Here's how:
1. Click Run on the Start menu

2. and type:

h: / WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
h = the drive letter writer, you can replace the drive letter you

3. then click OK. Dialog box will pop open with, select notepad and click OK

4. note the command line, a # is a comment. At the bottom there writing code: localhost

before it is added / replaced

5. add the address of fiction to the right of the word "localhost" according to your taste, for example:

  6. then Save

7. Run the application webserver (apache / IIS) and a web browser (firefox / chrome / opera) you and try to type in the address you passed.

after added / replaced

Good luck ... 

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